More Information
Dr. Dagenais grew up in King City, ON, and has always had an interest in both school and sports from a young age. He attended St. Michael’s College for high school, which was a great experience and graduated from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry in 2010 and previously attended McMaster University completing a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science. One of his favorite past time is spending time with his family, traveling across the country. 13 years experience..
- Chipped/Rotated Teeth
- Bonding
- Porcelain Veneers
- Teeth Whitening
- Crowns
- Bridges
- Dental Implants
Clinic Visit address
549 Bur Oak Avenue Suite 3 Markham, ON, Canada L6c3e5.
Opening Day And Timing
Monday to Saturday ___ 08:00 – 18:00
Contact number- (905) 887-1767
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